Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Social 'Sponsitility'

Saying that ad people never act like children is stupid because that's what makes us interesting most of the time...

It's true though, we act like children sometimes on the surface to make tough decisions seem more bearable.  I don't know I think it builds character.  The point is that I feel really fucking bad for the people in ad who have to act as if they've taken a neat and tidy IT job with a cube that will never grow, be decorated, or have an ounce of fun littered anywhere on the premise.  I look forward to the new and interesting crap that I can bring to my office, my coworkers.  These stupid pieces of crap mean god jokes, a game here or there, and not one damn piece means that the work won't get done.  If anything it means that it will get done a little faster because dammit!  i had fun doing it!
No!  the people I'm talking about, which I really don't know if they exist anymore, are the addy's and the marketers that promote 'bad people'  who takes care of cigarette companies, health insurance companies, politicians; who makes cool new shit for THESE people?  I want to know, more so I want to know if they've decided to dedicate their lives to just this kind of person, company, brand etc.  Is the feeling- well know that I've started I might as well just go full fucking throttle in this direction?  Now that would be a place worth writing about.  The people that worked there would truly be interesting ones indeed.  How would you keep that cynical advertising attitude, with a joke here and there, a little fun, oh yes and don't forget the cancer, chemicals, and generally destroyed nature of millions of people.  Would you literally have to be crazy to run it. - I can see this person being a boss that makes truly important decisions based off of something like a dice roll- op! fivesies!  okay time to make something really powerful for smokers- quick I know!  Just take a nuclear powerplant, turn the stacks into giant cigarettes, and let them smoke for all the world to see- bam! you've got yourself guerilla!

I just don't know, but the idea of a company built off of all horrible things that they are probably controlling so it does the least damage makes me smile a little- interesting.

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