Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just For MEN: WORSE for the Men's women

I kind of couldn't believe what was happening, but I was getting flack for purchasing this product....

It started out a  simple graphic design overall for the Just for Men brand.  But it became entirely something else...I'm purchasing this box of men's generic looking hair dye, so I take my box and approach the counter.  Let me tell you something about this Walgreens clerk, on Hennepin and 25th may I add, with a funky smile on his face and I thought he was just a normal working guy until,... 

The clerk looks at the box, then at me, then at the box again, and then he stares at me for a couple more seconds.  I then say, "HI?" in a questioning, what-are-you-doing sort of way.  He then says "Looks like a case of someone buying something for someone else."  I say "oh", and just look at him, and he looked back at me in the creepiest way I think I've ever been gazingly approached in.  

I stop and wonder now, a couple days later, if he would have continued to say what it sounded like he was going to say.  The 'gentleman' sounded as if he may head in the direction of my age.  I think if I'm buying a product for older men, that it may suggest that I am dating an older man.  And that's not just because I felt like I was indeed running an errand for my father.  What bothers me most about this strange counter-guarding fellow is that he's violated the sacred rules of making fun of people at your uneventful job...

Rule 1: Once they're gone, they're free game.
Rule 2:  You have to wait until they're gone!

And I thought everybody knew the rules!  I take the commentary of my friend working at a downtown hotel...
"When the movie they bought is over $20, you smile, wait until they leave, then immediately go to see what they rented.  It's fun to know what people are into."

-Secret front desk clerk

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ahhhhh- It must be a Joke

It has to be, in fact I believe it to be! But the more comments I read, and there are 90, the more I just can't tell if it's true...

It's probably not real yet, but this article on behalf of the New York Times is moer than frightening! It turns me into a liberatarian for this particular issue. It's called the sex tax. It is the story of an enforced taxation on sexual activity for all American citizens. It is written as being a solution for rising prices in medical and health care for everything from pregnancy to blood tests screening for HIV. This article tells of a tax in which we file the number of sexual partners we have, and what kind of sexual activity we participate in!

The way it works is... Married couples pay more. They are more likely to not use contraceptives, and more likely to begin a family; thus a rise in the population. The second highest bracket is undeterminable to me from the article. It would either be heterosexuals with more partners (they produce the spawn out of wedlock ya know-ha! this is ridiculous), or it would be homosexual-male couples who apparently rank highest in HIV positive testing. Regardless of whatever....

The more I thought it was a joke the more I laughed, but then... there were 90 comments. Then I read them...ALL. I couldn't believe it! It may actually be true. I went to class, and a foreign exchange student spoke of seeing it on the news! It can't be! Alas read the article yoursef! SEX TAX

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Granny Molly-The habits of

She's old, frail, sweet as sunshine on an arctic day, and best off she's my gran gran...sort of...

I watch gran do granny things, she nudges the doilies, she cleans a lot, she feeds me, and she randomly jars things. My gran is extra special though,...she nudges leopard-print doilies, she cleans her bong, she feeds me good-old fashioned chocolate chip cookies (slightly normal, and takes pride in her baking), and instead of jarring pickles and yams, my gran jars sidecars as that is her all time favorite drink.

"There's never a good time to run out of your favorite lazy vice my dear. You take a lesson now: primp your curls every morning, and make sure you got a good supply. Don't be jonsin' on a nice sunny side car day when you could've been sippin' like a champ."

She's my favorite. I sit on her gold and green couches.

"Pick good colors for your furniture, don't go gettin' out of style now,'s very important."

her cigarettes burn my lungs, but she makes them look beautiful with this long-stick thing, that she says is 'classic'. her voice is lower than pop pop wilbur's and the rasp that comes along is comforting.

"Here dear, hold gran's holder."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Intimidation Fart

Many people have nervous twitches or nitchy things that happen when they're embarrassed etc.  I can't get over the intimidation fart...

It gets me every time.  I'm having a meeting and somebody farts loudly mid conversation.  This only happens to a handful of people, however I'm told it only happens around me.  What is it about me that makes people fart, or just generally extra gassy.  I feel the need to seek a specific answer from some medical journal, or newspaper.  Although I can't help seeking pure joy in coming up with my own theories.  

I theorize that the fart is a symbol of filling to the brim with explosive admiration, just kidding but funny though.  Seriously though!  How can I make people fart!  That doesn't even make any goddam sense!  But it's hilarious!  I wonder now what else I have the unknown ability for.  I wait to see if I'm capable of welling up the gas within people to force them to do my bidding.  Perhaps THIS is my X-Men power.

But for the mean time...I'll just consider myself queen of the intestinal track and call it a day.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I DO want an office of Licorice whips...

It's true, we'd all be a little happier if the offices we worked in reminded us more of Candy Land...

But unfortunately they do not.  There will be no gum drop thinking caps today, no no.  Well we can dream, but what's interesting is people who ask you to think big because they are not allowed.  They're hoping that any awesome ideas you come up with can change their surroundings because such creativity can be blamed on immaturity to the business, yes that is interesting.

I found my self developing a wonderfully colorful plan to redesign the fun space for the creatives.  First the color choices went to the corporate site- they're very 90's.  Then we had to begin sneaking around and illegally doing stuff to make anything happen.  It just doesn't make any damn sense.  If a bunch of people want an office made of candy, ( this is in theory that it wouldn't attract disgusting bugs and deteriorate the building), then by GOD why the hell not give it to them.  The reasoning behind all the no's is just petty, and based on rules that don't necessarily apply to this environment.  I say we did make quite an attempt though.  We wanted a loft so we knocked out the ceiling.  Well we had support though, and that is the point.  You'd never coss your teacher, or your mentor, or your boss to have a small smile factor built in your surrounding.  However, you would go through with all the back-breaking work, the designing, the reforming, and the final product which makes you tired working on it, but you're happier with it than what used to exist.  You do it, because it's somewhat thrilling to be able to go through with something that nobody else had the motivation for, and nobody else wanted to do for the sake of doing something drastic in an environment desperate to grow.  

All I can say is this place is growing and the young one's as is traditional, are a major part of it.  this all does make me think though about the individual's ability to grow by staying in the same environment too long.  I think I'll be moving around.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


That's right, it's no lie.  I have become a ninja here at my place of business, and I am a level 10 master at sneaking large pieces of IKEA furniture without the facilities people ever knowing what hit them.

I AM a ninja- the interns have the task of redesigning the Think Tank or 'fun' room.  We thought it needed a new name, new kick-ass furniture, and a whole new attitude- color saturation, a bar, etc.  The point is that there are facilities people that control exactly what kind of furniture and anything goes in this place according to design and ethics code- bull shit bitch- we're drinkin'- off the job at least.

This project is decently fun and interesting to me because for the most part I get to just dec the shit out of a great space- and make it somewhere that I want to hang out and think.  The best part about it is that it proves that creatives do indeed live here.  It was both of my boss' ideas to give us a nice chunk of change to completely turn around the attitude of our beloved hang out, and more importantly they want to thrive in an environment that allows the power of play- so they're telling us that they care NOT about the trouble that they WILL be in, but to just go nuts and make a real theme.  I love it. There's nothing better than bringing together all your favorite patterns and furniture to make a place to make your colleagues your your friends; that's what this is really about.  It's a place to bond and spend time, and hide beer away from facilities people.  -Whatever we bought rock band, and I get to be an interior designer this week- dig it.- Plus Ping Pong will live forever in this joint- I'll make sure of that.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Will I become one...

I sift from professional to professional seeking and searching then I think about becoming that writer...

You notice them, the ones who desperately want to do everything themselves, and then you wonder...will I become one?  Have I already become one?  Or- am I just crazy?  I see a couple here and there- well not here necessarily- but I see them.  Are writers not team players?  Do most writers have problems collaborating their writing with other writers?  Am I a writer who is so territorial about the projects that I receive that I will refuse to accept a great Idea when I see one- specifically for the sake of owning it as only mine?  That makes me sick and sad because it just doesn't make any damn sense- for the project or anyone involved.  More so it doesn't make any sense for the 'shine' factor of the idea.  I did work with one when I first came here- this writer shot down everything I said before I could even get out the entire idea, and then they refused to come up with a variety of thinking patterns themselves.

It makes me worry- are writers more likely to fall into patterns of thinking in only one direction, and does that hurt the business that they're either in or working on?  I feel like it does, and I intend to be a team player- if not for the sake of starting any kind of conversation.
I find that the idea of 'the conversation' doesn't just refer to things like social media.  The conversation is the exchange of idea no matter how hard until the best is created in some form.  I think writers have a mush harder time grasping that- it means they must think inside not just their realm, but that of a few others as well.  A writer must be the all over thinker- because in the end the writing really means the thinking, and the thinking really means the communication of a great idea truly understood.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Social 'Sponsitility'

Saying that ad people never act like children is stupid because that's what makes us interesting most of the time...

It's true though, we act like children sometimes on the surface to make tough decisions seem more bearable.  I don't know I think it builds character.  The point is that I feel really fucking bad for the people in ad who have to act as if they've taken a neat and tidy IT job with a cube that will never grow, be decorated, or have an ounce of fun littered anywhere on the premise.  I look forward to the new and interesting crap that I can bring to my office, my coworkers.  These stupid pieces of crap mean god jokes, a game here or there, and not one damn piece means that the work won't get done.  If anything it means that it will get done a little faster because dammit!  i had fun doing it!
No!  the people I'm talking about, which I really don't know if they exist anymore, are the addy's and the marketers that promote 'bad people'  who takes care of cigarette companies, health insurance companies, politicians; who makes cool new shit for THESE people?  I want to know, more so I want to know if they've decided to dedicate their lives to just this kind of person, company, brand etc.  Is the feeling- well know that I've started I might as well just go full fucking throttle in this direction?  Now that would be a place worth writing about.  The people that worked there would truly be interesting ones indeed.  How would you keep that cynical advertising attitude, with a joke here and there, a little fun, oh yes and don't forget the cancer, chemicals, and generally destroyed nature of millions of people.  Would you literally have to be crazy to run it. - I can see this person being a boss that makes truly important decisions based off of something like a dice roll- op! fivesies!  okay time to make something really powerful for smokers- quick I know!  Just take a nuclear powerplant, turn the stacks into giant cigarettes, and let them smoke for all the world to see- bam! you've got yourself guerilla!

I just don't know, but the idea of a company built off of all horrible things that they are probably controlling so it does the least damage makes me smile a little- interesting.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Every Work place has them...

Boo- to the invasive colleague with the eagle ears.  End of story

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A different character: A new piece of the story

The key to a show that people can relate to is the character and the new quarks they have to offer...
 I need to write a pilot, or some sort of Show-like program.  I have to say that although I'm unsure of the story's path, I know the type of characters that I intend to have, and I think that's more important.  After all would I have spent time ever watching "Ally McBeal' a show about dreary lives and sad music if the characters weren't well written, and worth relating to?  Absolutely not, generally I have no interest in such a thing.  However these characters found individual status as well as a level of group character that appealed to a wide range of people. Making a ridiculous situation half the time, and a very serious situation for the other half, makes for a drastic enough balance so the subject can be literally anything.  
But let's face it- there are too many shows out there that try to be all about office antics, or comedy that's all about the college world- yes fuck the real world -we don't have to be in it yet!  (That's where Undeclared failed to succeed)  I love the movies that apatow productions makes, but their serious successes rely on their ability to appeal to what's actually happening to people, and just being real.  The fact about undeclared is that with all the college hoopla and making light of any serious money situations is that they 'really' don't just go away by the end of the show.  Undeclared could have really pioneered the sarcastic nature of extending probems into very sarcastic smart solutions that allowed the characters to grow in a more life-centered direction.
So where do I go with a show that I'd like to write?  Well it doesn't matter as long as I remember the rules- THE RULES!

Friday, May 30, 2008

If I had my agency

If I had my agency...
My eclectic group of people would defy the old-timey nature of my favorite beloved ficticious agency.  Ye, that's right I'm telling Shackelsby and Willowsworth to suck it.  For the moment at least.  An agency needs to be 70% nerds, 20% busy-body, and 10% mob/ mafia qaulifyers.  The nerds keep us up to date, and there is never a dull moment when a girlfriend can be created in a new media format every 34.5 seconds.  I want a team of top-notch nerds... I want the ones that build their own light sabors, and then randomly open up a panel on the side that connects them to a gaming widget- to tell all the other nerds just how freakin' fly they are.  
The busy bodies can just be busy- yelling randomly about how much money we're wasting pretending to do research while we all play the variety of gaming systems that have been supplied for new media purposes.- Why the fuck do we need Guitar Hero 1, 2, and 3!!!!
The mob-sters  can be the presenters- I want somebody intimidating.  But I want the woman that secretly runs the mob- you saw that coming.  I want somebody who's not afraid to put a hit on the competition. and I'd like to have somebody that can make me some damn good italian food- I don't cook that robert-deniro loving, thinly sliced garlic, delight.-
Finally, I want to be the owner of the agency that has gone so mad-cap, fuck-me-crazy that I am forced to make top-dog decisions from the fake little office I've made from my deluxe sweet at Lumming hills mental infirmary.  I can just see it now- We'll take the business, if this rock makes it to that nurse's cleavage- My lovely, old, crazy butt hanging out my robe- even though I never HAD to wear a robe in the first place.
a name....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

If I had a comic...

If I had a comic...
I would definitely quit the whole 'let's make somehthing ridiculously epic' thing.  In my opinion, most of them fail because they aren't relevant enough to real issues (Marvel obviously does a good job).  I have to say that the last comic i truly enjoyed was the one they made up for "Queer as Folk"  That was pretty damn good.  No no, if I were to make a comic it would either be something that completely over-exaggerated a stereotype like: 'Green-Team vs. The ad kids"  and it would just completely over-do their battles about ad people selling their souls, and the green team doing everything perfectly for the environment (My Ass).  It would go on in this direction and they would have super-hero style battles in the land of MCAD where they battle to gain the most popular votes.  I can see it now: super hero fights meets political jargon ( i know- never happened before).  If I didn't go in this direction so friggin' close to home, I'd do something so god damned adorable that you just couldn't stand it- (Hunter-Eating Cute Deer).  Picture Deery Lou with a little blood around the mouth at all times.  I think it's be a big hit, and a great escape to scary humor.  I'd read it, plus personally I think the green club would secretly like it. 

Friday, May 23, 2008

They're replicas of people I've already known...

It's always weird as shit when you run into a person that looks exactly like someone you've known...
It's happened to me in the past where you'll see someone that reminds you exactly of another person you were once close too.  The scary part is when you get to know this new person and they act exactly the same way, giving you free reign over their reactions-because you already know what it will be.  I do my best to avoid these repeats in the interest of meeting new people.  However, I never realized just how useful it could be in a situation where being a step ahead on the actions of others is always in your favor. 
My first week here I was in a meeting being ignored about my ideas in the digital realm (as a creative who is supposed to shut up and write something clever) when this slightly mousy media strategist got all excited about his brill idea to blow away our idea by giving away something cool that was free- making him look smarter (in his eyes).  The account people that we were trying to sell on the creative looked intrigued by him, but there are few things that bother me more than someone who held information from you in the spirit of presenting on behalf of his team.  What is so striking about this person is that he is exactly like a friend Alex I used to have in highschool.  He would be really quiet most of the time, until he intended to sound smarter than you or the group.  I would always take it upon myself to shut down these people- it's all about control whether I intended that or not.  The thing is, it didn't matter who he was trying to get to, he would always shut up and listen to me, and then drool a little because I verbally beat him.  That's the thing about not just men (women too), but men especially- they want to be beaten- it presents a challenge.  
So now I sit here in my office widdle-ing away at my crazy writing scheme for the idea of exponential fears- picture it- generic event topic like a wedding- plus a crazy concept like bikers at the republican convention- then create an exponential story line.  It makes for some interesting writing.  However sitting here not doing some great media concepts to go along with my great writing means one thing- that mousy little fucker that reminds me of Alex, and his team are doing these things that would strengthen the creative- away from me, out of my control, where I can't beat him.  It's time to break down the cubicle walls, get to guys like this and beat them, maybe that's really the way to reach people who don't want to combine departments- beat them, join them, and create some great god-damn work.- well back to it.  I have some crazy characters to write, and some drooling nerds to break down.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

He looked like Quentin...

The strangest thing,... the man looked like Quentin Tarentino.  
Here i thought that no one was using them, but now I find that the ones using them are those taht appear like some of my favorite movie directors.  Perhaps in a place so big I am just not seeing everyone.  The cool people are the ones riding around, dodging my view.  I should just pick up a scooter, and I've now picked a victim for the jello.  Copywriter, and the first person i wrote with.  he was pretty fun, for the most part he was stressed out, so now I just want to see if he'll freak out when I put his stapler in Jello.  I should really come up with my own gag.  I truly hate ripping of 'the office' but it's just so damn fun.  I know...If I can manage to hang somone's office supplies from the ceiling( of which is quite high up) I will have created my own feat, for fellow co-workers.

They sit unused!

The scooters sit unused! the scooters sit unused!...

these wonderful items sit idol against empty cubes- like a neon pink soccer ball in the 'stepford wives'.  These playful things have use, but they represent the fun level here.  The fun being used sits in the back supply room where generally 'the guys'  resort to a little ping pong.  Do these scooters 'rep' a facade to the agency fun life?  I sat in a meeting for a new quickie project, and it was yet again for the account people.  The one woman went on about how she had never worked with creatives like this before.  She had at her disposal: 2 graphic designers, a director, and me the writer.  They had no specific tasks for us, and really didn't know what to have us do.  I think I may have found the loop hole to the creative input at this place.  It is currently: a free-for-all. I didn't recognize because it's hard to see.  This place is littered mostly with account and strategists, but the new incoming wave of creative people is because this creative wing is essentially new.  However, there are the characters here that support a generally creative mind because they themselves are fun people.  Cookster: IE-Kathy, fun-loving, candy-giving exec. Office manager person knows old time ways of promoting a fun office.  Everybody loves her, and she remains the neutral party band-aid to any crabby office types.  Oh Kathy, how I know she would just grab one of those scooters one day excitedly, rip off the cob-webs, and fly free own the bad 90's carpet with passing dashes; just to make me smile.  There remains few things happier than a 40-some year old woman, with a big smile, showing off her scooter skills.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I have nothing to do,... but get paid.

  Seriously, what the hell.  All this preaching about being busy, but i sit here and have jack to do.  I can only resort to my crazy alternative attention-getting mediums so many times a day.  This is the point where i can decide to do alternative projects.  Make up the time next week, but this week do something exciting.  Fortunately for this month, my place of education has been invaded by movie stars.  Apparently Joshy Mc Harnett has decided to make a mediocre film at my school, and they need extras tomorrow.  I should just go do that.  There is nothing interesting to report on the front of the caged creative, there's no creativity to be caged at this point.  it's dull here, and I even miss the thought that all my creative ideas will be shot down for traditional methods.  I know I could create excitement! I could take the scooters that sit seemingly attaching themselves to cobwebs and create an exciting game of run down the interactive people.  I openly respect their ideas, but secretly I see them as permanently viewing their lives as some f'ed-up video game.  I can see it now,... 2 interactive people disagree on the cool level of a certain website, then bam!  They're in another world!  The area around them drifts away to reveal pine trees bending as they walk over them.  The 2 interactive types begin using there nonsensical asian swords to battle each other while dancing across the pine trees.  Yes I over-exaggerate when I envision the info-crazy types in that department as forever in a (very good) asian film that has now become cliche.  Jesus it's dull here right now.  

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good GOD the coffee's gone...

Oh sweet jesus the coffee's gone!  Now the cub moves on to other cubicle activities while she awaits the next integration into the pack.  One client project half-way participated in, and then...

I now sit patiently in my cube awaiting the next project, trying so hard to shine because I've had way too much caffeine.  It's interesting though, what we do when we're alone, bored in our cubes like children creatively trying to escape the playpen of useless ideation.  I sit here and build! I build and build some more!  Then I build something I've never built before.  I begin with the traditionals as this place is prone to promoting.  I begin with the poster pin-ups, the sketches and doodles, I then move on to the social applications, and then back and forth from that to my favorite websites.  BUT...then I find that my tastes require me to venture into an old-time fave of boredom...the coffee-cup-castle.  I start only with two lone coffee cups, but I have vision!  I know that everyday I will add yet another coffee cup to this work-in-progress, so I doodle together 3 sticky-notes to illustrate my drawbridge and water moat.  I see potential for turrets and towers.  Most importantly I see the potential for a developed story in this kingdom of coffee!  I see illustrating a knightly story with my varying office supplies and ability to doodle senseless!  Will this actually come together for the rest of the pack to see?  Why yes most likely.

The young cub meets the pack...

The cub is introduced to the elders to show what new hunting techniques they contribute...
I am to be introduced to the rest of the creative department on what they call 'third thursday'.
This is where I get up and tell all I  can about how much personality I can contribute to the group. They will ask me about things like my recent adventure to the 'One club' and about the other professional adventures that I've sought out.  After which they may find me interesting because I enjoy competitive sports other than advertising such as softball, presentations, and other ball busting activities.  Then we get into what may make me more interesting because most of the department may not be able to do these things.  I'm an illustrator (I hunt out the brands with my 'neato' way of visualization)  I screen print, and then I write like a damn mad hatter diving into projects such as "if I could write anything ridiculous for a publication I would...".  Hopefully they will find this interesting.  Foremost I see this as an opportunity to befriend as many departments as a I can.  This way my creative ideas won't be halted by numbers and traditional mediums.  The tradition can be good for the right crowd, but I see a 'disconnect' where the numbers decide that traditional is always the way to go... let's see what we can do about that.

Creative in a Cage

I look around the jungle that is this corporate zone...and thus far, the competition is keeping it fun.
I come in as a young cub with my ideas of hyper efficient ways to reach the world, but they don't necessarily apply at all times.  The best part is the continuing tension between the creatives and the account people.  At this 'agency' it's the opposite of the way a creative team usually works.  I picture the creative team coming up with all sorts of extraordinary crap to make this kick ass experience for the consumer that will blow their minds at how we know what they want to personalize their lives.  How we know what it means to give them a brand to love.  BUT... this place is each team of 2 for themselves, and I mean 2, the idea of a team of 4 or something is damn madness I tell you.  It's the strategists vs. the old-fashioned creatives!  the only problem is the creatives are kept from evolving.  The strategists don't want the creatives doing research and whatnot because it's THEIR job!  However when it comes time to prove that the creative will stand the test, the main argument is where's your research- you wouldn't give it to me.  So now(I) the young cub lurks through this corporate jungle knowing to cunningly go around both the creatives and the strategists to become the 'new creative', this thing that has the right to use all tools to create an experience that is truly innovative... stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where for art Thou Abernathy?!!

Where are thou Abernathy!...

Why can't I find that sassy lawyer type?  She's skinny, old, and plum packed full of attitude!  I imagine her glasses dangle with a long overly-decorated chain. (this picture helps if you read this in a stuffy english/ old boston voice).  She's the executive creative director, and she's got a critique for you.   She striked HOT at the Newton Figgies annually, and lives by the shackelysby code- no, no- not before golf and brandy.- No sass from the youngins, and no mercy!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The "Newton Fig" Prestigious Agency Award

I'd like to take this time to announce this year's winner of the NEWTON FIG, the award for the agency of prestige...
That's right it's here! The annual award for the advertising agency of the year that represents the highest of standards: both in branding and brandy. This year, the NEWTON FIG goes to:
Shacklesby + Willowsworth- "Good Branding, through Good Breeding". S + W represents the importance of good old-fashioned methods to keep the wippersnappers in line. They say BAH! to your blogs, and GREAT GADSPY! to your google. However, they truly stand for good breeding habits. Why they drink brandy at lunch, and play old- time games like croquet at break time. They're so close to the grave that they hardly need food at all! Using nothing but punchy typwriters, and glasses with dangly chains, good breeding shines through in every pompous print they pop out.
- The Newton Fig serves only fig newtons.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Comedy in Film: The year of the 'Preggers'

Knocked up, Juno, -MCAD's Carrie Hartman...
It is in fact the year of pregnant women as far as anything funny is concerned. These movies are riddled with slang, vagina jokes, and real life: I love them. I'm considering following in the footsteps of the films that I've adored for the last half-a-year, in documentary form. I've recently made a documentary about college students who get lude for extra cash, and how it becomes a part of them. That was good because it was real. Real is what makes it human, an comedy is truly a part of the viewer when it is a part of comedy that they can relate to.

Currently, Carrie Hartman; a well-respected Illustration professor @ MCAD is due to give birth to a brand spanken new kid. She shares her pregnancy with her class by stopping to lovingly have snack-time, and other fun activities that make life more tolerable. They lovingly call her
"Preggers: Carrie Hartman", and they never get sick of it.
More so, I never get sick of hearing it. Why is the word 'preggers' such a fun, lively, and relatable term for someone we know, respect, and enjoy being involved in the anticipation of their child? Who knows but if I persue this documentary about the loves, hates, and funnies of pregnancy in powerful lives, I will definitely be calling it: "Preggers: Insert name here"

-Big thanks to Tiffany Jastromski-loving roommate (makes my baked goods).

My Name is Laura: Therefore I Buy

We're in the finalists for the One Club Pitch!...SO, now I buy stuff.
I have a good idea about why i feel the need to pretty up my entire life before I go to impress people,... I have to impress myself. I'll be taking my computer, and writing stuff down- so I buy a gorgeous computer bag enveloped in adorable color and design that might work with any sassy, ball-kicker, power-woman outfit I might have. I then purchase a notebook that looks equally adorable and is a fantasmic example of illustration in product design!
So why is over-analyzing the way everything comes together in my image so important? The psychology of confidence- is imbedded in how we define our personality. Face it! we define ourselves by how we customize our posessions. I chose green stuff that was sleek. modern, and then incorporated illustration into the design because I feel fun when I find a pattern that gives me a visual of what I see when I think of that part of me. It's sad, but it's true! I feel like this bag describes me in some way! And I'm not ashamed! Just when you think I've gone overboard with the description of me through the description of my bag we come to the 'elegance of the interior'. The interior is made of this satin colored this golder version of lime with vertical striped stitching 1 inch apart in a perfect pattern. It feel 'perfect'. It makes me feel perfect carrying it, and knowing that it holds what I do in it's visually fantastic grasp. My name is Laura, and I am obsessed with the power of posessions.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Homework= XBOX(for shizz)

Research means practice, and practice means getting past medium.
My group and I are developing a social networking campaign for the One Club (+ Doritos) that incorporates XBOX live. Picture this... Trying desperately to beat my score, find how the dwnloads, points, and purchasing work for Guitar hero in general, and then my partner's cat won't stop shitting 10 feet away from where we proudly hold our guitars.

I'm trapped in a gas chamber that happens to include a burger king/ guitar hero care package, and there's nothing I can do because I have to learn the system and this is the only location! Oh the smell, the torture, and the Irony of the cat's name being Dorito! The pains of the hard-working have drastically changed. No longer about back-breaking labor, chemical implimentation is standard now. Hail to the life!

50-yr-old-couples VS. College Students

When an older couple moves into a 4-plex inhabited by college students...
I'm sure they just thought it would be a jumble of rainbows and ponies. Generally an older couple's schedule revolves around the 9-5, a regular sleeping schedule, and finding a heart beat. College students stay up late, sleep til' noon, and try to grasp the reality of paying bills... What the hell did you think was going to happen!

Obviously the older couple is yelling at the young wipper-snappers and cursing them for acting the way they're expected to. But what to tell this couple except...Duh, you boobs!

The real kicker is that after they get done yelling at all other tenants is that they are the ones keeping up the rest of the building with loud sex moans. Late into the night, etc. they're constantly waking the students with their moans and groans. What to say?
" Hey gramps! if you stop moaning, I'll try to remember to keep it down myself."

Honestly I'm stumped. Yay for minneapolis living!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Expensive Hoods= Crack Dealers w/ Kiosks

-I sit at the "Bad Waitress" and I wonder...

If one lives in a nicer neighborhood in Minneapolis what the hell does that really mean? 2 Blocks away is the same bad shit- a guy stealing a bike while he waves pleasantly at you and rings the little bell. On the other side of the street a couple white guys pretend to be black by the hip hop store, and no matter how many energy efficient light bulbs I use a green club member is yelling at me for being wasteful because I'm in advertising, and their in graphic design. So what does shelling out for the nice apartment in the no-worries insurance zone really mean?

Why of course- the crack dealers have kiosks! Now the detail of the kiosk is how you will tell how rich you've become. Now if the crack dealers strait up live next door, then you've hit the big time. My situation as a student living in a nice nerighborhood means that they have kiosks, but with details. The sample mirrors may often be antique or "vintage". The dealer themselves double over as a pro-(insert current political race) paraphanelia sales center. Finally, the lake- air indicates that they also carry sun-block on any given sunny Calhoun day. It's official I'm upper middle class.