Wednesday, May 28, 2008

If I had a comic...

If I had a comic...
I would definitely quit the whole 'let's make somehthing ridiculously epic' thing.  In my opinion, most of them fail because they aren't relevant enough to real issues (Marvel obviously does a good job).  I have to say that the last comic i truly enjoyed was the one they made up for "Queer as Folk"  That was pretty damn good.  No no, if I were to make a comic it would either be something that completely over-exaggerated a stereotype like: 'Green-Team vs. The ad kids"  and it would just completely over-do their battles about ad people selling their souls, and the green team doing everything perfectly for the environment (My Ass).  It would go on in this direction and they would have super-hero style battles in the land of MCAD where they battle to gain the most popular votes.  I can see it now: super hero fights meets political jargon ( i know- never happened before).  If I didn't go in this direction so friggin' close to home, I'd do something so god damned adorable that you just couldn't stand it- (Hunter-Eating Cute Deer).  Picture Deery Lou with a little blood around the mouth at all times.  I think it's be a big hit, and a great escape to scary humor.  I'd read it, plus personally I think the green club would secretly like it. 

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