Monday, May 19, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I have nothing to do,... but get paid.

  Seriously, what the hell.  All this preaching about being busy, but i sit here and have jack to do.  I can only resort to my crazy alternative attention-getting mediums so many times a day.  This is the point where i can decide to do alternative projects.  Make up the time next week, but this week do something exciting.  Fortunately for this month, my place of education has been invaded by movie stars.  Apparently Joshy Mc Harnett has decided to make a mediocre film at my school, and they need extras tomorrow.  I should just go do that.  There is nothing interesting to report on the front of the caged creative, there's no creativity to be caged at this point.  it's dull here, and I even miss the thought that all my creative ideas will be shot down for traditional methods.  I know I could create excitement! I could take the scooters that sit seemingly attaching themselves to cobwebs and create an exciting game of run down the interactive people.  I openly respect their ideas, but secretly I see them as permanently viewing their lives as some f'ed-up video game.  I can see it now,... 2 interactive people disagree on the cool level of a certain website, then bam!  They're in another world!  The area around them drifts away to reveal pine trees bending as they walk over them.  The 2 interactive types begin using there nonsensical asian swords to battle each other while dancing across the pine trees.  Yes I over-exaggerate when I envision the info-crazy types in that department as forever in a (very good) asian film that has now become cliche.  Jesus it's dull here right now.  

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